A Polaris General 4 1000 fuel pack is a great way to keep your UTV running while you are out in the backcountry. It allows you to store extra fuel and take it with you when you are out on a ride. This can be extremely helpful if you are in an area where there are no gas stations, which is the case when you are offroading. With a fuel pack, you have the peace of mind that you will have enough fuel to get you back home safely.
Fuel economy numbers don’t matter in a UTV. You can even burn through a gallon trying to power your way out of a mud bog. So, it is always wise to carry at least a one-gallon Polaris General 4 1000 fuel pack when offroading. Otherwise, you risk getting stuck in the middle of nowhere.
While some carry a Polaris General 4 1000 fuel pack to ensure they don’t get stranded, others carry one to extend their range. Even with a full fuel tank, you can only expect to get around 150 miles out of your General. So, you can only venture out about 75 miles from your base. If you are someone who loves long rides, overlanding trips, or getting lost in hunting trips, this might not be enough. So, carrying extra fuel using a Polaris General 4 1000 fuel pack will allow you to explore way farther than you could with only the fuel in your tank.
Along with Polaris General 4 1000 fuel packs, we also have Polaris General 4 1000 fuel pack mounts. You can get your Polaris General 4 1000 fuel pack mounted on your bed, behind your cab, behind your UTV, on your roof or wherever you want with Polaris General 4 1000 fuel pack mounts from Everything Polaris General.