Rough driving conditions are one of the main causes of wear in a clutch system. Since a Polaris General is always driven through rough conditions, it is no wonder that your stock clutch gives out pretty soon.
All the parts that make up your Polaris General clutch won’t fail at the exact same time. Usually, by replacing one or two parts, you can get your Polaris General clutch back in working order. Whatever part of the Polaris General clutch you are looking for, you can find it at Everything Polaris General. We also have Polaris General clutch rebuild kits if you are looking to salvage your existing clutch.
But rebuilding or repairing your stock clutch is only a temporary solution. Your stock Polaris General clutch cannot handle the rough conditions that you take your rig through. So, if you are looking for a permanent solution for your Polaris General clutch problem, we recommend that you swap your Polaris General clutch for a better more durable aftermarket alternative.
Not only do our aftermarket Polaris General clutch kits last longer, but they also offer a noticeable boost in performance. It’ll allow you to shift between gears smoothly and faster. So, you should be able to get better acceleration out of your Polaris General. And if you stick to one specific type of terrain when offroading, we have specialized Polaris General clutch kits that’ll perform even better in that specific terrain.
Whatever you are looking to do with your Polaris General clutch, we are here to help. But we recommend that you get your Polaris General clutch upgraded and enjoy the performance benefits that come with it.