
Carrier Bearings

Even the smallest parts are important in keeping your Polaris General running. And one of those crucial tiny components is the Polaris General carrier bearing. It keeps parts of the driveshaft connected. On a domestic vehicle like a car or an SUV, your carrier bearings can last more than 100,000 miles. The same can't be said about your stock Polaris General carrier bearing, they will only last about a fraction of that.

If you are looking to replace your Polaris General carrier bearings, you've come to the right place. We've got stronger more durable carrier bearings that'll last longer than your OEM bearings.


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The Polaris General carrier bearings are a crucial component to hold the driveshaft together as the transmission delivers power to the wheels. It also provides flexibility for the vehicle to manage through different driving conditions. This is another reason why it plays a crucial role in your Polaris General. You rarely ride your Polaris General through even ground. Your rig would suffer driving through rugged conditions with worn-off carrier bearings.

Unlike other vehicles, you can't expect your Polaris General carrier bearings to last long if you're still running with factory parts. This again comes down to the way the Polaris General is used. Whether you use your General to haul cargo or ride through dense mud, an immense amount of torque needs to reach your wheels. All this torque goes through your Polaris General carrier bearings. This can cause them to wear off faster or get damaged.

Usually, when a component of your Polaris General fails, the easiest way to identify it is by using sound. Just like any other component, carrier bearings also make a unique noise as they fail. Carrier bearings produce a heavy sound that is more like a continuous humming or whirring as you increase your speed. If the problem isn't solved early on, your Polaris General carrier bearings would continue to affect other parts of your axle.

At Everything Polaris General, we have carrier bearings that are much stronger and more durable than your stock bearings. These aftermarket bearings will last much longer and can withstand the strain of driving through harsh terrain. Rather than going back to OEM carrier bearings that failed you in the first place, get an aftermarket replacement that'll serve you better.